Friday, November 22, 2013

Dreams do come true, because when I met you my dreams came true.I love you so much. Don’t think that your efforts are worthless! I appreciate all your sacrifices. I'm so lucky because I have you in my life.Love can’t be seen nor heard but can be felt by anybody.When a woman falls in love, she will do anything for the one she loves.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The World’s Most Beautiful

I’d give anything to see the sun set on the horizon,
I’d do anything to gaze at a full moon in the night sky;
Even a rainbow would make me smile,
And I’d love to swim in crystal clear waters
Of an untouched sea;
Sometimes I’ll see a shooting star,
And try to gaze from afar,
All the diamonds in the night sky;
The mist on the mountains is breathtaking,
As is walking in rainforest;
To see cascading waterfalls I’d do anything for,
As to stand on the highest peak in the world,
And look at the sights below;
I’d love to soar on wings above the clouds,
Across the bluest skies;
I’d do anything to see
All the beautiful things in the world,
Like a red rose blooming in the Sahara,
Like a river twisting through a dusty land,
All the beautiful things in the world;

But I also know I am looking at
The world’s most beautiful creation,
Every time you smile,
And every time I look into your eyes.

- Muhammad Edwan Shaharir -

Bermimpilah setinggi langit mengejar cita-citamu tapi jangan sampai kamu lupa, bahwa mimpi tidak akan menjadi nyata tanpa adanya usaha dan do'a. Percaya bahwasannya Allah telah mengatur segalanya untuk kita, maka kita harus berusaha semampu kita dan berdo'a sebanyak2nya.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


i want you my boy
i like you and I love you
dapatkah aku menjadi yang terbaik untukmu ?
dapatkah kau menerimaku apa adanya ?
dapatkah kau mencintaiku selamanya?
dapatkah kita menjalin cinta ini agar menjadi cinta yang abadi ?

you can do it :)
we can do it :)
it is very easy for us


i want to be the las for you,
im sorry im not perfect for you :*
i hope you'll understand me :)